A Sterling Interview with Mystic Magazine - Manifest a Perfect Life!

A pyshic and intuitive person, experience with life coaching, psychology and astrology, and also an author! Sterling Mire wears many hats and that’s the main subject of this interview for MysticMag.

We asked Sterling about manifestation, her last book – The AOM System: Manifestation Mastery in 30 Days! – and what is the first step to take to find purpose in life. Check out the interview below!

When did you discover the idea of manifestation and the power that comes with manifesting your ideas and desires?

My interest in manifesting first arose when I was aware that I was passionate about life and wanted to live it fully. At the age of 5 I was already aware that I wanted to experience an extraordinary life, however, as I grew older, I started to notice that logic wasn’t actually responsible for the outcomes in life and that results that were produced in life often didn’t even make sense. For example, someone could be talented but unsuccessful and vice versa, someone could be only fairly talented at best but wildly successful.

This began my quest for knowledge and understanding about how outcomes were created. At the age of 13, my aunt gifted me the book “Psycho-Cybernetics” by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. This was my introduction to understanding that focus, determination and intention were essential factors for producing results as well as generating energy within reflecting the physical manifestation of our desires.

One of your blog posts was about the pandemic and the toll on mental health. What is your first advice for someone that is struggling with mental health problems?

Health is multi-faceted. There are many aspects to our health and it is all connected. To be healthy, we need to address and correct, or heal, as well as maintain our physicality, our mentality and our spirituality. Our health is our foundation, a space for things to grow in our lives. This is why I encourage my clients to create the ideal health keeping in mind those three aspects that make up our health. Creating and experiencing miracles in our health category is accessible with the right tools and knowledge. When our health is being restored we can create anything else we desire! Spontaneous healing is also a real phenomenon that we are innately capable of. Because dis-ease creates diseases, healing emotionally and mentally is where we begin the healing process so the physical healing naturally follows.

Please present to us your book The AOM System: Manifestation Mastery in 30 Days! When did you have the idea to write it?

Manifesting is what we were born to do; we cannot opt out of it. Our purpose in life is to create. Life in its most fundamental form is simply a series of creations and experiences. That is all. Take a moment and think about that statement. When are we not creating and experiencing our creations? Even when we sleep we create a dream and experience it. We create slow, steady breathing and experience the oxygen in our bodies such as relaxation. Physical healing and growth also gets created, for instance. We are creating our lives as each moment passes.

However, like a powerful out-of-control magician with a magic wand, we can also create all of those things we do not want. Everything, and I mean everything, in our lives is purely by our design only. This is why everyone’s lives are uniquely designed and the dramatic differences can be astounding! This is all by our design, either consciously or unconsciously. We create our happiness and success, or lack of. So, if we are experiencing things in our lives we do not want and/or have the things we don’t want the good news is we can create only the things we DO want! Everything in our lives can transform quickly and powerfully!

We all want happiness and success and why not? I cannot imagine a better motivation for creating a formula, a step-by-step guide for doing just that. That is what the AOM System™ is. My desire and purpose is to share this 22-year-old tried and true system with the world because we can all easily live our ideal lives. In fact, it is our birthright and our purpose, to fulfill all of our love based creative visions, sourced by the creative force we all came from, which is limitless love.

What makes the Art of Manifestation (AOM) unique?

I do not know of any other method that produces powerful and consistent results like the AOM System™. It is a foolproof system if you apply it to your life exactly as it is designed. I have worked with people all over the world for over a decade and each client has produced a 100% success rate. I don’t know of any other program that offers those kinds of results and so quickly.

You offer a course on how to become an AOM life coach. Do you believe that anyone can be an AOM life coach or do you look for specific profiles?

The AOM System™ itself originates from the truth of who we truly are and the truth of how life works, therefore, everyone has the potential to not only understand and live according to these truths but also can teach them as well if they are ready. The operative word here is not “if” but “when”.

In your professional life coaching work, what do you observe as the main blocks people have that harm their professional careers?

People’s main blocks are their faulty belief system. Our lives are a result of what we believe. If we believe something that doesn’t support what we want to create and experience in life then we are blocked; trapped in our own self-created prison. It really is that simple. Belief is so powerful we can move some of the most stubborn obstacles that surround us.

What is the first step to take to find purpose in life?

Discover what it is that you truly love to do. You can flourish and thrive in anything. There is even a guy who created his whole career that is growing by leaps and bounds around standing on one hand. One can say, our purpose is to discover our purpose and thrive and flourish within that purpose. One common purpose we all have is to love. Love everything as much as possible deeply and profoundly. Love is also the fuel, the source for all creations and manifestations.

Please share a special message with our readers in these challenging times.

Never give up on yourself, others and life itself. All things must pass, desirable or undesirable. Everything in life is fluid and all breakdowns hold the seeds for a breakthrough, so, breakdowns are actually gifts of opportunity. With some slight shifts in our perspectives and some useful tools we can all live Heaven on earth. It really is accessible. For all.


How To Get What We Want! (Not What We Don’t Want!)

Starry, starry night….Wish upon a star

Starry, starry night….Wish upon a star

Written by Sterling Mire

When we are preoccupied with worries about the future, we are actually helping bring those fear-based thoughts into reality.

When we say or think to ourselves what we don’t want versus what we do want, we are breathing life into the very thing we are trying to avoid. It’s been ingrained in us to push, fight and resist against the things we do not desire in order to bring forth that which we do desire. We were actually taught the opposite of what we should be doing to bring the desirable into our lives and keep the undesirable out of our lives. This is why we tend to obsess about what we are trying to avoid.

I always emphasize, when working with clients, that the key to creating and ushering in our heart-felt deep desires is by first allowing, not resisting, what is currently our situation. What we resist persists.

This is one of the essential keys to manifesting.  Without it we will just be spinning our wheels, going nowhere fast. For instance, if we are feeling financially pinched, yet we desire abundance, we must first acknowledge, “what is so” and accept it, without making it bad or wrong. When we are simply able to accept it as the current circumstance, without creating stories around it, we are exercising non-resistance, therefore, we stop the persistence of the situation, in this case it’s scarcity. Now that we have stopped the “growth” of scarcity, we now have a clearing, a space, for creating that which we do want: abundance. Now, abundance has the space to not only be created, but to flourish! 

Can you list some of the things you would like to have or experience in your life that seems to be eluding you? Occurs to be unattainable? Can you identify what you are resisting about that situation? 

Consider this: everything you want wants YOU! There is nothing in this world that is standing in your way. No circumstances, no people, no hindrances, limitations or constraints that you have not created yourself, consciously or unconsciously. If you are the only one blocking you from experiencing your ideal life, then the good news is you are the only one who can change all of that! When we consciously create, we can move mountains in seconds and achieve each and every one of our utmost heart’s desires easily, effortlessly and joyously! Once you’ve tapped into this magical realm you’ll be completely amazed at how life actually works and how so much of what you previously understood was actually backwards.

And, consider that you can have everything your wildest imagination can think up and that you already possess everything you need. All you need now are the tools and know-how to tap into your version of heaven on earth!



Someday, I Will

Someday, I Will

Someday, I Will


Written by Sterling Mire


Passionate happiness can be yours today instead of a concept that someday you will experience it.


We all know the past is the past and all we really have is now and hopefully, the future. But, where is the future? Do you know? There is a misconception that the future is located out there, distinguishable on a calendar. A calendar is really a man-made supposition. It supposedly exists somewhere other than now. Yet, the truth is, there is no future, there is only now. The closest thing we can get to discern the future’s location is in each passing moment – that is where the future is. So, really the future resides where the present moment left off. Can it be determined, then, that now is the future? Safe to say, yes, it is!


Time is our most precious commodity. Fortunately, we all have it, at the moment; yet, will we have it next year? Modern life’s minutia has a way of imposing itself upon us, utilizing the limited minutes we have in a day. However, was that the intention of our lives?……

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Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Let’s clear the air…..                                                                        Written by Sterling MireBefore we can welcome into our lives new opportunities and all the desires that have been welling up in our hearts, we first have t…

Let’s clear the air…..

Written by Sterling Mire

Before we can welcome into our lives new opportunities and all the desires that have been welling up in our hearts, we first have to come to terms and create peace around our past. If we continue to carry around disempowering energies such as, disappointment, anger, resentment, frustration and sadness over losses we create a barrier between what we truly want and ourselves.

Forgiveness and acceptance are the key ingredients to dissolving the inauthentic feelings that are responsible for creating the dissatisfaction and ineffectiveness in our lives. When we have effectively accepted the past and forgiven those we hold responsible, including ourselves, we free ourselves up to invent a new future – one untouched by the past negative energies. We not only feel peace within us, but also in our outside world allowing us to embrace the endless possibilities that life has to offer. Once we’ve surveyed the possibilities and selected the ones that resonate with us at this point of our journey, we can then move forward towards taking action to bring them into fruition. The action we take is the last step before realizing on the physical realm, our wishes fulfilled.

There is such simplicity in the manifestation process and once you discover it you will always find the ease in creating your ideal life! Experiencing true forgiveness and acceptance for what once was, is the first, and critical, step for moving into a divine future miles away from the past we so wish to leave behind.

*For one month of FREE manifestation coaching –

30 days to total transformation in ALL areas of your life,

Be sure to ENTER into our Spring April 2nd contest on Facebook!

Winner will be announced on April 30th 2019.

*Not applicable for past and current AOM participants.
