Rebirth is the Energy of Spring
Spring is the season in our lives for rebirth and renewing – physically and spiritually.
It is the first month of spring in our year of 2018. You may even sense that it is time to spring clean your home or feel an urge to let go and begin anew. I am noticing that nature is signaling this movement forward and we can follow its lead. Just the yesterday, I noticed a beautiful plant with a single azure colored flower was blooming within a concrete crack. A sign that even if there is pressure around us we can still penetrate the forces within us that wants to hold us back and spring forth a new branch of ourselves.
I have recently removed carpeting and installed hardwood floors in my home and also filled up at least six huge bags of clothes and other things to donate from my home. I want to be lighter and hold on to less stuff – physically, emotionally and spiritually. While doing so, it caused me to reevaluate my priorities, and notice I am ready to welcome in new things, people, events and situations into my life. I feel like I am really in the here and now, not bogged down with what was.
Below I have highlighted four of our services to help you clear, organize, and bring more beauty into your own life. All services are powerful in their own right. See which one speaks to you – in the here and now.
The AOM System by Get Your Life Now. This is one of our all-time best-selling services. Receive powerful tools to free yourself from past burdens emerging in the bright light of the future, unencumbered and inspired to move into the destiny of your dreams. This revolutionary system is everything you need to live the life you envision – quickly, effortlessly and joyously. This 30 day course will transform all areas of your life. Available in person or via phone, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Google Hangouts and FaceBook.
ReNew You by Intuitive Life by Sterling is a one time session either in person or via phone or live video as all services are offered. Start anew, start fresh, re-invent your relationship to anything in your life into a place of total empowerment. Move from being held back to total freedom!
Life Coaching on the Go! By Intuitive Life by Sterling. This 4 week course allows you to go at your own pace. Each week you will be given a new course that is designed to create a break-though in your life. These exercises are fun, easy and can be done anywhere/anytime and as many times as you’d like to create the empowering results you are looking for. Enjoy this online course at a special spring rate of 50% off!
Refresh – 15 min. Green Guided Meditation – a free gift from Intuitive Life by Sterling. Download this fast-acting meditation to any device and enjoy its restorative powers.
I want to thank all of you for the wonderful open-hearted feedback and “thank you” messages sharing stories of your own personal break-through’s and achievements. It is such an honor and privilege to know and work with you!
Magical miracles,
Sterling Mire