The Year's Not Over YET! It's Tune Up Time!

If you are feeling behind schedule, or disappointed with results or feel overwhelmed by the changes this year, then take a moment to reflect and read up on what is guiding your internal energies. We are about half way through the year....

There's still more time to make the difference! 

Your 2014 Horoscope.

With the New Year in full swing, many people are beginning to create a vision of how they’d like this year to unfold. For some people, this has conjured up exhilaration, excitement, and great expectations. For others, it may elicit feelings of trepidation, resistance and even terror.

Because we are all busy, here is a simplified break down of what the year has to offer according to birth-date:

Air babies (Aquarius: Jan. 20-Feb. 18; Libra: Sept. 23-Oct. 22; Gemini: May 21-June 20) will fly the friendly, expansive skies, happily loving the refreshing feeling of what this year has to offer. Your brilliant mind will welcome new thinking that this year offers. Seeing things with a fresh perspective is like a breath of springtime – the very instrument that’ll drum up excitement about creating all areas of your life! If you can think it, then up you can drink it up!

Fire starters (Aries: March 21-April 19; Leo: July 23-Aug. 22; Sagittarius: Nov. 22-Dec. 21) love new and exciting opportunities in order to act on new ideas and embrace all of the challenges that go with it. With each of the new opportunities that come your way, it’s a great time to make new travel and adventure plans, as well as to even modify your work sector. It’s also a great period in your life to ignite a fiery and exciting new relationship, so take action and get what you need!

Water dollies (Cancer: June 21-July 22; Pisces: Feb. 19-March 20; Scorpio: Oct. 23-Nov. 21). Fear of the unknown will rear its ugly head, but your adaptable nature will eventually enable you to roll with the flow. The trepidation will subside; provided that you go with your brilliant imagination to create something inspiring that is in alignment with the many inherent qualities of 2014. Listen to your great instincts and learn to trust your internal navigation system.

Earth lovers (Capricorn: Dec. 22-Jan. 19; Virgo: Aug. 23-Sept. 22; Taurus: April 20-May 20). These New Year winds of changes will prove most challenging to you. Why uproot yourself when you’ve been so committed? The answer is because it’s those very changes that are necessary to achieve the ultimate results you’ve been waiting for. It’s time to take inventory and let go of what’s bogging you down – freeing you to take advantage of new opportunities and ways of thinking that will serve you the best.